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Showing posts from March, 2017


In English there are only the words: JAM and JELLY to name specific products made in many ways from fruits. In Romanian language there are more words (gem, dulceata, magiun, peltea and maybe others). These recipes could be more interesting than the previous ones, especially for the British audience. Of course, I tested them on many natives and I realize these is one of the favorite desserts. Those British whom I have served, didn't know that pancakes could be served, cold as well as warm, or in a different manner from theirs. Packages with pancakes exist in all grocery stores and they are served successfully in Pubs. The dough I make, is enough for 12 pancakes (Calin eats about 7-8, at once, as dessert). PANCAKES. In a stainless steel bowl I crack 2 eggs, put bit of salt (as, to any sweet), a teabag of vanilla sugar, bit of rum, a little bit of sodium bicarbonate and a teaspoon of oil. Then, I put flour, probably about 100 g and blend well. I pour milk, little first, to ho...

BREXIT (we'll live and we'll see, everyone is making a guess ...)

I have not slept the night of 23 to June 24; I held the computer open to track statistics. I fell asleep in the morning and when I woke up and found that a small majority decided to divorce from the EU, I felt "tight heart". Me, as new British citizen and my son, a little older citizen, we had the right to vote and, of course, we voted "Remain". That's because we were convinced, at that time, that these is the best thing for us and for most UK poor people. Now, almost a year after the Referendum, things have clarified more and our anxieties have subdued more! We talked to many native Brits and from our discussion, we assumed, that the majority will vote to stay, but we were wrong (views in this text belong to me and my son). The native, mainly elderly Britons, still keeping bygone times memories, and many from the active population, who is "trained", by the indoctrination means, used in "Media", voted (apparently) surprising. Here it appl...

BREXIT (vom trai si vom vedea, toata lumea isi da cu presupusul…)

Nu am prea dormit in noaptea de 23 spre 24 iunie; am tinut calculatorul deschis ca sa urmaresc statisticile. Am adormit spre dimineata iar cand m-am trezit si am aflat ca o mica majoritate a decis ca Marea Britanie sa divorteze de UE, mi s-a “strans inima”. Eu, ca proaspat cetatean britanic si fiul meu, cetatean un pic mai vechi, am avut dreptul sa votam si, desigur, am votat pentru Ramanere. Asta deoarece eram convinsi, la acea vreme, ca este lucrul cel mai bun pentru noi si pentru majoritatea saraca din Regatul Unit. Acum, la aproape un an de la Referendum, lucrurile s-au mai clarificat, iar nelinistile noastre s-au mai estompat! Am vorbit cu multi bitanici, de origine si din discutii, am presupus ca majoritatea va vota pentru ramanere, dar se pare ca ne-am inselat (opinia din acest text apartine mie si fiului meu). Britanicul nativ a ramas, ori cu amintirea vremurilor, de mult apuse, ori este atat de “dresat” de mijloacele de indoctrinare, in masa, folosite de si in “Media”, in...


As vrea sa-mi pot organiza blogul, pentru ca nu pot sa sufar harababura, dar….nu stiu cum s-o fac, pentru ca, asa cum spune Calin, sunt paralela cu tehnica, iar el nu da “doi bani” sa ma ajute! De la britanici nu pot astepta ajutor, pentru ca, din experienta mea cu nativii, am constatat ca indiferenta apartine culturii natiei, care se lauda ca ii place sa ajute, dar, de fapt, vrea doar sa aiba folos de la alte etnii. Poate romanii m-ar ajuta, sau poate! Presupun ca si in caz ca blogul meu, este vizitat de romanii din Romania, acestia nu ma vor ajuta, pentru ca eu "nu pup curu nimanui" si, mai ales, "spun lucrurilor pe nume" Ceea ce mi se pare, totusi, ciudat este faptul ca postarile mele in limba romana au vizualizari, iar eu nu cred ca printre englezi sunt vorbitori de limba romana! Deoarece stiu doar o engleza elementara, cu toate ca am “intrat” pe internet acum 13 ani, iar in UK sunt de 6 ani si jumatate, nu sunt sigura daca traducerea postarilor mele es...


I wish I could organize my blog, because I hate the muddle, but ... I do not know how to do it, because, as Calin says, I am parallel with the technique, and he did not give "a shit" in helping me! I can not expect Britons help, because, from my experience with the natives, I found that, these attitude belongs to British culture, i.e. they boasts that they like to help, but in fact, they only want to have a benefit from other ethnic group hard work. Maybe the Romanians would help me, or maybe ... not! I suppose that if my blog is visited by Romanians from Romania, they will not help me, because I "do not kiss nobody's ass" and, especially, because "I tell what I think". However, what seems to me strange is the fact that my posts in Romanian have views, and I do not think that among the English people there are Romanian speakers! As, I know only an elementary English, although I made my entry on Internet 13 years ago, and I live in the UK for 6 and ...

GYPSIES (who they are and what they want)-1st PART

I will have several posts related to gypsies. I will not write here, what I read through different texts or heard from people, but about my and not at last Calin's experience connected with gypsies. I can not say they're a people, that they, in fact, were spread worldwide and took not only the physiognomy of the people, in whose country they settled down (or ... not), but also the language, worship, habits and even nationality. When I was a child, in Romania, my parents went to Indian films, which in a certain period were very popular there (I remember "the Vagabond" with Raj Kapoor). At that time, i.e. in the Communist era, there were many cinemas in Constanta (the city where I lived almost half of my life). Wherever Indian films were broadcast, there were huge queues at the ticket box office. The Romanians had not enough seats, because of the gypsies, who crowded the entrance with their families. That's because, they said, that the Indians were their brothers...

DESPRE TIGANI (cine sunt si ce vor)-PRIMA PARTE

Voi avea cateva postari privindu-i pe tigani. Nu voi scrie aici ceea ce am citit prin diverse sau am auzit de la diverse persoane, ci despre experienta mea si eventual a lui Calin cu si legata de ei. Nu pot spune ca sunt un popor, pentru ca ei, de fapt sunt raspanditi in toata lumea si au luat nu numai infatisarea poporului in a carui tara s-au stabilit….sau…nu, dar si limba, cultul , obiceiuri si chiar nationalitatea. Cand eram copil, in Romania, parintii mei, mergeau la filme indiene, care intr-o anume perioada au fost foarte populare acolo (imi amintesc de “Vagabondul” cu Raj Kapoor). Pe vremea aceea, adica in epoca comunista erau multe cinematografe in Constanta. Oriunde se difuzau filme indiene erau cozi uriase la casele de bilete. Romanii nu prea aveau loc, din cauza tiganilor, care se inghesuiau cu familiile lor la intrare. Asta, pentru ca, spuneau ei ca indienii sunt fratii lor, etnia tiganeasca provenind din India si raspandindu-se in toata lumea. Pana s-a nascut Calin ...


I realized this presentation when I attended the English Language GCSE course, in 2015. Of course, I done it in Powerpoint. For the course, I made the presentation both on paper and stick to design it on a fabric support. I printed each slide, then I laminated, perforated and tied it with string to form a booklet. But for the blog, I had to scan each sheet, because it can be uploaded only as images. My "mates", to the course, were teenagers between 17 and 20 years (of British origin). Some of them seemed really smart, especially a boy of low stature, diabetic and who had a name that seemed to me a girl name, namely Ashley. He was one of the few teenagers behaving decently inside of the College and the only, except the tutor, who ate from the boeuf salad I brought. I was surprised to ascertain that these teenagers formal education was so low, that a girl with a claim of grade "A", for the full GCSE course, asked me if Romania is in Italy. That was, because I s...

AUBERGINES SALAD (more than the recipe)

I love this salad, super! It is simple, nutritious, cheap and quite dietetic (not totally because of the oil). Calin hates it, but, what he likes! ??? But, he is eating everything from the plate at home, because he's hungry and he knows that he will not find anything better or more diverse anywhere!!! I put 2 medium aubergines on the cooker, hot half. If I could bake them on the grill or on the cooker open fire would be super, but lacking that, I have to handle it as I can! I bake them well on all sides, so that they become soft, until the shell is black (charred). I leave them to cool and peel them, or I hold them under cold water to peel them being hot. Anyway, I must peel all remains of the shell. The core remains light in color, although I wash the aubergine with water. I chop them very well on a wood chipper, necessarily, with steel or wooden knife (with wide "blade"). I have to slam the knife fast, for a good chipper. I cut a small onion (white or red), it ha...


Do you want a holiday fairy-tale, are you an aficionado of a tale landscapes , or you're just a glutton or winter sports enthusiast, or fun to the max, then Romania is the ideal place for an unforgettable vacation. Anyway, the FIRST STOP you should do to BRASOV, located in southeastern Transylvania, into the curvature of the Carpathian Mountains, at 161 km from Bucuresti,the Romanian capital, on the DN1. Here you can find anything you might be interested in or entertain you: history, culture, mountain, sport including winter sports, customs and traditions, traditional restaurants or simply select, clubs, sophisticated shops but also traditional, elegant SPAs and health centers. And maybe, who knows, you may meet some vampires, as Bran Castle (called of Dracula's) is only 25 km from Brasov. You can choose to accommodate yourself to a 5 stars hotel and pay £65 per night or to a 3 stars guest house with £15 pounds per night and even less. OK! And now let go to have BIG F...

FRIES WITH PORK (more than the recipe)

I prefer to buy potatoes in "Polish" stores because they ...taste better ... and of course ... they are very cheap, especially in bulk. I buy pork from there also, because it is sold at kg and I can see what I buy. When I find, I purchase, together with the meat, raw, bulk, fat also. Since I buy meat for one month, for me and Calin (about 7 kg of different meat: chicken, beef, pork), I portition it, usually in small blocks (I buy only boneless meat, to not be necessary to remove the bones, as Calin does not want to see them on the plate). I put, into small bags, about 300 g (for one meal, usually pork mixed with beef or pork and fat) and put them in the freezer. Every day I take a package out; sometimes the wrong one, and then I have to change (immediately) the dish, because Calin comes from work at 18 and he has to eat (a different dish than the previous day). For this reason and because we have too little money I have to cook everyday or almost everyday in house. It is ...

BOEUF SALAD (more than the recipe)

It is a mixture of vegetables and meat, boiled, linked with mayonnaise. This salad, very tasty, may have been made with beef (because of the name), but we the Romanians make it with chicken. Anyway, I think you'll like! I tried this recipe "on several Brits" and they liked it. They did not say this out of complacency, but because they ate as the Romanians do, meaning, a lot! This salad is served, usually at holidays: Christmas, birthdays, memorable events. I make it quite often, because I like it and that it is quite healthy and feeding. I do not use to weigh dishes ingredients, nor I taste it for salt and spices, which makes me a talented cook, because very rare a dish is not cooked similar to Masterchief (as Calin says). Anyway, I feel replete, up to ears, of cooking. Let me tell you from where I take the ingredients to cook. Here, in the UK there are specific continental stores ("Polish" stores), usually located in cities and towns, on the High st., Portla...


Re: SCRISOARE DESCHISA, “PROTESTUL MEU” Katherine O' Riordan <> 28/04/15 at 9:31 PM Catre Continutul mesajului Draga Marylena Ciorogar-Goia, Multumim pt ca l-ati contactat pe Sir Edward Leigh si v-ati exprimat vederile. Sir Edward crede cu tarie ca toleranta si respectul pt alte culturi se afla in centrul identitatii noastre. Suntem acum casa pt multe diferite credințe, rase și etnii și este important ca toată lumea se simte parte dintr-o societate solidară și integrată. Scrisoarea dvs. a fost citita și a fost luată în considerare in aceeasi masura ca toată corespondența din partea alegatorilor care il contactează pe Sir Edward. Niciun e-mail nu este intenționat ignorat și niciodată nu a fost intenția mea de a nu furniza un răspuns pentru oricine il contacteaza pe Sir Edward. În cazul în care acest lucru nu este totdeauna adevarat, este de obicei o eroare administrativă și/sau de supraveghere din par...


To Message body Dear Marylena Ciorogar-Goia, Thank you for contacting Sir Edward Leigh and for expressing your views. Sir Edward firmly believes that tolerance and respect for other cultures lie at the heart of our identity. We are now home to many different faiths, races and ethnicities and it is important that everyone feels part of a cohesive and integrated society. Your letter has been read and has been given due consideration as does all correspondence from constituents who contact Sir Edward. No email is purposely ignored and never is it my intention not to provide a response to anyone contacting Sir Edward. If ever this is the case, it is usually an administrative error and/or oversight on my part for which I apologise. Yours sincerely, Katherine Elizabeth O' Riordan, Senior Caseworker Office of Sir Edward Leigh (Conservative Parliamentary Candidate for Gainsborough) From: Marylena < Date: 23 April...

PROTEST impotriva campaniei electorale pentru alegerile generale din UK-7 mai 2015

Cine ne-a luat demnitatea si respectul de sine? As avea comentarii pentru fiecare din paragrafele brosurii electorale a candidatului partidului conservator din circumscriptia Gainsborough, dar in aceasta scrisoare deschisa ma voi referi si voi analiza doar paragraful intitulat: “Imigrare”. Cred ca, continutul acestui paragraf ar putea fi interpretat de unii ca fiind:” instigator la rasism”, dar eu sunt mai toleranta si deschisa argumentelor care sa infirme aceasta parere. Paragraful, din fluturasul electoral al lui Sir Edward Leigh, inserat aici: "Imigrarea: Redobândirea controlului asupra frontierelor noastre este o prioritate absolută. Libera circulație a cetățenilor UE nu funcționează atunci când există țări diverse, precum Marea Britanie sau Suedia, pe de o parte, și Bulgaria și România, pe de altă parte. Avem nevoie să vedem un balans al sistemului mai echilibrat, o gestionare a migrației, care restricționează migranții economici, permitand in acelasi timp accesul oame...