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Showing posts from February, 2017


"DIICOT Prahova audiaza în acest moment 90 de persoane printre care se numara si Cheloo, membru al trupei hip hop Parazitii, acuzat ca a consumat cannabis, asupra lui gasindu-se câteva grame. Întrebat de un reporter de ce se afla acolo, artistul a raspuns scurt si la obiect: "Am venit la plimbare. Ma simt ca un lup când vad atâtea oi în jurul meu!" Unul dintre politistii prezenti la fata locului a reusit sa dea mai multe informatii despre acest caz care i-a socat pe toti fanii celebrului artist." SURSA: In limbaj tendentios Cheloo (Catalin Stefan Ion) este un xenofob (mai precis un rasist si un homofob). Astea sunt doar niste cuvinte inventate, care sunt folosite de unii indivizi, de obicei in instante, impotriva altora! Adevarul este ca nu exista om, pe Pamant, care sa nu fi fost sau sa fie xenofob. Dar, faptul ca majoritatea ascunde acest lucru, face ca termenu...

FABULA: "Câinele şi căţelul" de Grigore Alexandrescu

"Cât îmi sunt de urâte unele dobitoace, Cum lupii, urşii, leii şi alte câteva, Care cred despre sine că preţuiesc ceva! De se trag din neam mare, Asta e o-ntâmplare: Şi eu poate sunt nobil, dar s-o arăt nu-mi place. Oamenii spun adesea că-n ţări civilizate Este egalitate. Toate iau o schimbare şi lumea se ciopleşte, Numai pe noi mândria nu ne mai părăseşte. Cât pentru mine unul, fieştecine ştie C-o am de bucurie Când toată lighioana, măcar şi cea mai proastă, Câine sadea îmi zice, iar nu domnia-voastră." Aşa vorbea deunăzi cu un bou oarecare Samson, dulău de curte, ce lătra foarte tare. Căţelul Samurache, ce şedea la o parte Ca simplu privitor, Auzind vorba lor, Şi că nu au mândrie, nici capricii deşarte, S-apropie îndată Să-şi arate iubirea ce are pentru ei: "Gândirea voastră, zise, îmi pare minunată, Şi sentimentul vostru îl cinstesc, fraţii mei." - "Noi, fraţii tăi? răspunse Samson plin de mânie, Noi, fraţii tăi, potaie! O să-ţi dăm o bătaie Care s-o ...

CHELOO from PARAZITII (parasites)

DIICOT (Direcția de Investigare a Infracțiunilor de Criminalitate Organizată și Terorism-the Investigation of Organized Crime and Terrorism Directorate) Prahova hears, at the moment, 90 persons, among which is Cheloo, the hip hop PARAZITII band member (accused of using cannabis, a few grams being found on him). Asked by a reporter why he was there, the artist gave a short answer: "I came for a walk. I feel like a wolf when I see so many sheep around me!" One of the police officers present at the scene managed to give more information about the case, which has shocked the fans of the famous artist. SOURCE: In a tendencious language, Cheloo (Catalin Stefan Ion) is a xenophobic (more precisely, a racist and a homophobe). These are just some invented words that are used by some individuals, usually, in court against others! The truth is that there is no human on Earth who has...


As for me, how hateful are some beasts, as wolves, bears, lions and some others, who think of themselves as being a treasure! If they descended from a noble family, that's only a happenstance! I may be noble otherwise, but I don't like to show it. People often say that, in civilized countries, there is equality. Everything changes and is carving in the world, only ourselves do not lose the pride. As for me, I gladly say that everybody, beast or lowly dog, knows and calls me real dog and not your lordship.  So spoke, the other day with an ox, Samson, a big yard dog, that barks very loud.  Samurache, a doggy, that sat aside as a simple spectator, hearing their case, and neither pride nor vain whims, was coming closer, to show the love he has for them: "Thinking of you, he said, your thinking seems to me wonderful, and I honor your feeling, my brothers." -  "we, your brothers? Samson replied furious: We, your brothers, pooch?! I'll give you a bea...

I... and...about me

I thought to make my own blog, as few coins could drop from heaven in my empty pocket! WARNING! For the "citizens" who think about themselves, as being normal and decent people or behavior, in a normal and decent world, the language or pictures in my blog may, often, be considered libelous, offensive or too explicit. Therefore, my recommendation is that these people, adults and/or minors refrain from viewing my blog; or look, but "secretly" !!!!!! I do not consider myself a racist and less a xenophobic; If, however, some of the "decent" humans, judges me as being, it's their problem! I just transpose, in writing, my thoughts and feelings about something or somebody, and I do not want to "hide behind finger"! I do not fit and I do not want to fit a "template"! ABOUT ME My son, a middle-aged adult, says that I do not have "all the tiles on the roof", that I am totally weird, meaning, in his opinion, that I a...

PROTEST against the Conservative Party campaign for the general elections 7.05.2015

Who took our dignity and self-respect! I’d have comments on each paragraph from the electoral leaflet of the Conservative Party' candidate in the ---constituency; but in this open letter, I shall refer and consider only the paragraph entitled "Immigration". Some may consider that it “instigates to racism”, but I am more tolerant and open to arguments in order to refute this opinion. Paragraph, from Sir Edward Leigh electoral leaflet, inserted here: “IMMIGRATION: Our Regaining control over our borders is an absolute priority. Free movement of EU citizens doesn’t work when you have countries as diverse as Britain or Sweden on the one hand and Bulgaria and Romania on the other. We need to see a move to a more balanced, managed system of migration that restricts economic migrants while allowing talented people in.” My family consists of two members: me and my son. We live on the hill. My name is Marylena C.Goia; I am 61 years old, a Romanian national and permanent resi...

EU si... despre mine

M-am gandit sa-mi fac un BLOG, poate "faac si eu niiste baanuuti"! AVERTISMENT Pentru persoanele care gandesc despre ele insele ca, sunt normale si/sau decente, intr-o lume normala sau decenta, limbajul si/sau imaginile din blogul meu pot, de multe ori, fi considerate ca licentioase, ofensatoare ori prea explicite. De aceea, recomandarea mea este, ca aceste persoane, adulti sau/si minori, sa nu vizualizeze blogul, sau sa se uite, dar "in secret"!!!!!! Nu ma consider o rasista si cu atat mai putin xenofoba; daca, totusi, unii, din lumea “decenta” ma judeca, ca fiind, este doar treaba lor! Eu imi transpun in scris doar gandurile si trairile fata de ceva sau cineva, si nu vreau “ sa ma ascund dupa deget”! Nu intru si nu vreau sa intru intr-un “tipar”! INTRODUCERE (sau "despre mine") Fiul meu, adult trecut de prima tinerete, zice ca nu am "toate tiglele pe casa", mai precis, ca sunt "dilie" rau, asta insemnand, in opinia lui, ca su...